TTouch-​​​​​The Touch that Teaches-

Using a combination of specific touches, lifts, and movement exercises, TTouch helps to release tension and increase body awareness. This allows the animal to be handled without provoking typical fear responses. The animal can then more easily learn new and more appropriate behaviors. By using the TTouch and a variety of other tools, like the Confidence Course, you can assist the animal in experiencing self-confidence in previously frightening situations. Even the most difficult problems are often eliminated. You can also learn how to apply the Tellington TTouch to assist with recovery from illness or injury, or just enhance the quality of your animal's life.

Our mission is simple:  To teach the value of respectful communication and training techniques utilizing the Tellington TTouch approach.


with Respect

​Betty Bloomquist

Certified Tellington TTouch Practitioner

What others say...

"Our Millie was having real issues with loud noises – and with the 4th of July coming in a couple of days, we needed help!  Betty graciously made room for us in her schedule, and was wonderful with Millie – kind, gentle, calm, and she had a really soft touch – the TTouch!  We were amazed at how Millie went from bouncing around everywhere - to almost falling asleep!  We were even more thankful for Millie’s reaction to TTouch the next few days…she was still startled and shaking at the sound of fireworks, but she settled much, much quicker than ever before.  She even slept through some of them!  We’re a true believer in TTouch and we’re thankful to have an awesome practitioner in Lincoln . . .
. . .Betty's sweet, calm, kind and thoughtful personality - and the TTouch definitely helped! Before I felt helpless, and worried myself sick about I see there's a solution and am excited about it!"

​--Tema N. Lincoln, NE

